The Silliness of Jack Chick
I used to love reading
and handing out Chick Tracts. Those are the comic style tracts that you can order or buy at some Christian book stores.
tracts are having a great influence on the world and if you don't think so just ask Jack Chick.
I'm all for pointing
out the error and evil in the Catholic Church and other organizations.
Still, Chick has taken it on himself to create
such fanciful stories concerning Catholicism that many reasonable persons would just see him as some kind of crackpot.
article about Conspiracy theories sums it up, It says, "But alas, we are disqualified before we start for this work. We have
fallen into the 'chicken little syndrome': because of our scandalous excesses of alarmism and intoxication with Conspiracy
THEORIES and LACK OF REGARD FOR WHAT IS TRUE, if a real and truly dangerous conspiracy were detected would anyone take Christians
seriously at that point? Have we not spent our credibility and voice on mere ghosts? ...The only grand 'conspiracy' spoken
of in Scripture is a SPIRITUAL one led by Satan. And it is no secret: it has been REVEALED to those with ears to hear. Thus,
it is no 'conspiracy' to Christians, but an open war against the gospel of Christ and His life in the kingdom of God on this
I cannot take Chick seriously anymore.
He has mixed fact with
Some people have just decided to believe everything he says, without question.
These people are Chick-like
rather than Christ-like.
"Their faith is based on nothing less than Jack Chick Tracts and silliness."
like a song doesn't it?
I plan on going through some tracts that I got from their organization just to give you
some examples.
The first example is from a tract called 'Love the Jewish People.'
It says, 'In 1933, Catholic
Germany, serving the Vatican, launched a 20th Century inquisition, murdering 6 million Jews. ...God will destroy the Vatican
just before the second coming of the Messiah.'
Often he quotes other sources to back up his statements but upon closer
examination, these so-called other sources are his buddies that often wouldn't be taken seriously by anyone else.
seems like this guy just cannot talk about anything, unless he includes something about Catholics.
Catholic Germany,
you got to be kidding.
Hitler was working for the Vatican according to Jack.
An astute moderator of my CUF group pointed
out that Hitler was just as commited to taking down crosses on churches and putting up swastika's as he was at murdering
millions of Jews.
And by the way, more non Jews than Jews were exterminated in the holocaust.
"Along with the
Jews, another 9 to 10 million people-Gypsies, Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarussians), homosexuals, and the disabled were
exterminated." (Time Almanac 1999, pg. 134)
Yes, we should love the Jewish people because scripture commands it. (Genesis
12:6; Romans 11:28,29)
Chick has become a lunatic and a monomaniac.
A monomaniac is someone who in regards to
one (mono) subject is a maniac.
He can sound very intelligent in his presentation of other subjects but he always has to
include some kind of silly statement concerning Catholics.
He truly sees a Catholic under every stone.
Its like
deciding to count all the green cars that pass your house. All of the sudden you see green cars everywhere. Not that all
cars are green but soon that is all you see.
If you want to expose Catholicism for the evil it propagates, get a Catholic
Catechism and compare it to the Bible and that is all you will need to do.
"And while conspiratists project fantastic
evils onto the Rockefellers or the Catholics or the US Congress or the Jews or whomever, real enemies who are hell-bent
on destroying us go unnoticed...."
I got a suggestion for Jack Chick. Please don't help us with the good news.
With friends like you....
BJ Max