Going into the very translations that the WatchTower
has published and
in the case of the New World Translation translated let's see if we can find the truth regarding the Holy Spirit despite the
JW's false teachings concerning the Holy Spirit elsewhere.
In the Emphatic Diaglott, published by the WatchTower/JW's it says
"But Peter said, 'Ananias, why has the ADVERSARY, filled thine HEART
deceive the HOLY SPIRIT, and to appropriate a part of the price of the LAND?...Thou has not lied to Men, but to GOD." (The
Emphatic Diaglott, Right Hand Column, Acts 5:3,4)
"...to deceive thee the spirit of the holy,...not thou hast lied to
but to the God." (Diaglott, Ibid, English directly under
the Greek)
"But Peter said: 'Ananias, why has Satan emboldened you to play
false to
the holy spirit and to hold back secretly some of the price
of the field...You have played false, not to men, but to God."
New World Translation)
A few points that need to be brought up from the WatchTowers own
1) It was stated that Ananias was deceiving the Holy Spirit. A force
be deceived.
2) These verses equate lieing or playing false with the Holy Spirit
lieing or playing false with God.
So do the JW's believe that the Holy Spirit is a person and is God?
The next scriptures are also in Acts and I (a person) will
from the Watchtowers publications and in the case of the NWT, a
translation from them aswell.
"As they were publicly ministering to Jehovah and fasting, the holy
said: 'Of all persons set Barnabas and Saul apart for the
work to which I have called them...Accordingly these men, sent
by the holy spirit....(Acts 13:2-4, New World Translation)
In this passage there is no argument for NOT capitalizing Holy
Spirit, except
that it doesn't fit into the WATCHTOWERS preconceived view of things.
However, they forgot to distort a few truths here.
"...said the spirit
the holy; Separate you indeed for ME the
Barnabas and [the] Saul for the work, which I have called
them. ...having been
sent forth by the spirit the holy..." (Ibid,
Diaglott, English directly under the Greek)
"And while they were serving the Lord and fasting, the HOLY SPIRIT
Separate to me BARNABAS and SAUL for the work to which I have called them.' ...They, therefore, having been sent out by the
HOLY SPIRIT...." (Ibid, Right Hand Column)
There are several things that are crystal clear from the above
1) Lieing to the Holy Spirit is lieing to God, so therefore the Holy
is God, no little g here.
2) The Holy Spirit speaks, only a person can speak.
3) The Holy Spirit says, 'I'-First person personal pronoun and 'Me'
a person can do this.
4) In the bible we see that the Holy Spirit can be grieved, a force
be grieved.
We also see that one can attempt to deceive the
Holy Spirit as Ananias and Saphira
The Watchtower published this Greek Interlinear work and if they
convinced of things like Jesus being crucified on a stake or
even the most important doctrine such as the Trinity and the
of Christ (as my post on the Trinity said) then why did they publish
this work.
The Emphatic Diaglott, published by the Watchtower or to be more
"International Bible Students Association Watchtower Bible
and Tract Society" Publishes a work where Benjamin Wilson says
the Preface,
"The intelligent reader will at once perceive the utility and importance of this arrangement.
Readers who are familiar with the original tongue obtain in this work one of the best Greek Testaments, with important ancient
Readings, ...Scrupulous fidelity has been maintained throughout this version in giving the true rendering of the original
text into English; no regard whatever being paid to the prevailing doctrines or prejudices of sects, or the peculiar tenets
of theologians.
To the Divine authority of the original Scriptures alone has there been the most humble
and unbiased submission."
So in his statement he is declaring that 'no regard whatever being
paid to
prevailing doctrines or prejudices or sects, or the peculiar
tenets of theologians.' And to this the Watchtower gives a
amen by publishing this work.
So in other words Wilson said that this is truly an objective
of the scriptures and they are not influenced by
sects and peculiar doctrines (such as Arianism (JW's ) which have been
a long time.
At the Watch Tower site they say that what one believes
about the
Trinity is of eternal importance
"Why should a subject like this be of any more than passing
interest? Because
Jesus himself said: "Eternal life is this: to know
you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." So our
future hinges on our knowing the true nature of God, and that
means getting to the root of the Trinity controversy. Therefore,
not examine it for yourself?-John 17:3, Catholic Jerusalem Bible
(JB)." (http://www.watchtower.org/)
If this is the case then why did they publish a work that supports
the deity
of Christ?
The only translation I have found where Titus 2:13 doesn't make it
clear that
it is talking about the same person is the KJV and the
NWT and the KJV didn't rule out the possibility.
The many other translations follow the Granville Sharp rule in
making it clear that
'The Great God' AND 'Saviour of us' are
the same person and that is Jesus Christ.
The Emphatic Diaglott published by the Watchtower, which is a Greek
Bible says the following:
"Waiting for the blessed hope, even the appearing of the Glory of
AND Savior Jesus Christ" (Right Hand Column, Emphatic Diaglott, Titus 2:13)
"the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and
savior of us
Jesus Anointed." (Ibid, English directly under the
So even the Watch Tower's own translation confirms that the 'great
God' and 'Saviour
of us' is the same person and He is Christ Jesus.
This shows at best that the Watch Tower doesn't even agree amongst
concerning who Christ is.
Also check out my other message on this about the definite article
Also notice that it talks about Christ's sacrifice right after
This happens often in scripture.
This is because Who Christ is and What He did on the cross are connected. This is why
when the Cults distort who Christ is, through either denying that He is God or placing layers between him and us (as the Catholics
do), they in effect have to take up the slack with a works oriented salvation.
It is logical that if Christ was not
God then his sacrifice on the cross is not enough.
This is why all the groups must take up the slack with mens efforts.
This is religion in its worst definition. Rather than God reaching down to man, man
is attempting to work his way upward to God.
The differences are as clear as night and day.
It is interesting when one (me) has the luxury of having particular
works of the
JW's (Emphatic Diaglott) and I do.
One is the New World Translation written by the WATCH TOWER society
....Made in the United States of America 1942 Edition."
I just wanted
to make it clear that it is the WATCH TOWER that is
responsible for both works.
The New World Translation:
"And whoever does not accept his TORTURE STAKE and follow after me
is not worthy
of me." (Matthew 10:38, New World Translation)
"And he who does not take his CROSS, and follow me, is not worthy of
(Right hand column of the Emphatic Diaglott, Matthew 10:38)
"and who not takes the CROSS of himself, and follows after
me, not
is of me worthy" (English directly below the Greek, Emphatic
Diaglott, Matthew 10:38)
Next verses:
"As they were going out they found a native of Cyrene named Simon.
This man they
impressed into service to lift up his TORTURE
STAKE....if you are the son of God, come down off the TORTURE
him now come down off the TORTURE STAKE." (Matthew
27:32,40,42, New World Translation)
"And going out, they met a Cyrenian, named Simon; him they compelled
to carry his
CROSS...If thou art a Son of God come down from the
CROSS...let him now descend from the CROSS, and we will believe on
(Right hand column, Emphatic Diaglott Matthew 27:32,40,42)
"Cross....Cross...Cross..." (Emphatic Diaglott, English
below the Greek, Matthew 27:32,40,42)
Next verses:
"For the speech about the TORTURE STAKE is foolishness to those who
are perishing,
but to us who are being saved it is God's power" (New
World Translation, 1 Corinthians 1:18)
"For this Word, (that of the Cross,) is indeed Foolishness to those
who are perishing;
but to those who are being saved, even to us, it
is the power of God" (Emphatic Diaglott, Right hand column, 1
"Cross" (English directly under the Greek, Emphatic Diaglott, 1
Corinthians 1:18)
Could this be why they are so confused? They don't know whether to
preach the cross
or the torture stake ;-D
Now for some more:
"In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and
the Word was a god...."
(New World Translation, John 1:1)
"In the Beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with
God, and the Logos was
God" (Right hand column, Diaglott, John 1:1)
Notice no little g in God here and no indefinite article before God
as in the
"and a god was the Word" (English directly under the Greek,
Diaglott, John 1:1)
It would seem that they disagree amongst themselves on this subject.
example from the same book of John:
"In answer Thomas said to him: 'My Lord and My God!' Jesus said to
him: 'Because
you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those
that do not see and yet believe"
"Thomas answered and said to him, 'My Lord and My God!' Jesus said
to him,
because thou hast seen me hast thou believed; happy those
who see not and believe!" (Right hand column, Emphatic Diaglott,
"The Lord of me and the God of me" (English directly below the
Greek, Diaglott,
John 20:28,29)
WOW! They all agree, Thomas calls Jesus Lord and God and Jesus says
in all
three,because thou have seen me hast thou believed.
So why don't JW's agree with their own translations. There is no
g in God here.
BJ Maxwell 05/08/2006