I am seeing an all out attack against Christianity, Israel, and
the United States and I would like to look at the reasons why, some good some bad.
I would like to look at the movements that have openly declared
themselves enemies of Christianity, Israel and the United States.
No Conspiracy Theories here:
"At a mere human level, Conspiratists have pontificated at length
about Masonic cabals bent on ruining the very economy which they supposedly constructed, while completely missing Militant
Islam's open agenda calling for civilization's death and destruction. RADICAL MUSLIM CLERICS SCREAM 'DEATH TO AMERICA' IN
The First is Islam. It's important to look at what they believe.
Islam impresses me as a reactionary movement that first focused
on the corruptions of Christianity, really Catholicism.
What was true of the corrupt Jews now applies to the Catholics:
"For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you,
as it is written." (Romans 2:24)
Protestantism is not without its sins either.
Next, we should look at the role Communism plays in inciting violence
and war between Islam and the United States, Israel and Christianity.
We will also look at a fellow named Gramsci, who chose to promote
Communism in a more covert way.
Go to:
Then we need to look at the Faith of the founding fathers of the
United States.
Ravi Zacharias, who wrote the 'Lotus and the Cross' and 'Jesus
among other Gods' says:
'America has a natural fraternity with countries that uphold
such moral precepts. And all of those base their fundamental worldview on Judeo-Christian assumptions. The four cities that
converged in the making of America were Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, and London. Jerusalem framed the moral conscience; Rome,
the legal framework; Athens, the philosophical backdrop; and London, the cultural ethos that carried over into America's infant
years.' (Light in the Shadow of Jihad, pg. 29, Zacharias)
He quotes from the Declaration of Independence and seems to base
much of his logic on a paragraph out of it which says:
"We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE
Notice the CAPS, I will expound more on this later.
I believe these are based on Christian principles, even though
not all the founding fathers were Christian.
This statement and others like them fly in the face of such movements
as Communism and Islam.
I will show how.
These statements are part of what has contributed to the hatred
of the US amongst many nations.
However, there are some things that this nation has strayed from
since its conception. For example immorality, relativism, atheism.
These things are happening many other places as well but we seem
to lead the way.
These things need to be repented of.
Essentially, this nation is a Constitutional Republic and for more
on that go to:
The Judaeo Christian values that we should be standing for are
essentially what makes the Communists and the Muslims either hate us or oppose us.
I am laying a foundation in this message and will be emphasizing
different aspects of this message in future messages.
The Anti Americanism, and Anti Judeo-Christian values on the Internet
and elsewhere needs to be confronted head on.
Do You Have the Courage to join me?
The first movement that I mentioned in my message
was Islam, so I would like to look at that.
Islam is a reactionary movement. First it is reacting in unbelief to what
God revealed about Israel. (Genesis 17:19-21)
Ravi Zacharias points out that a particular group within Islam has hijacked
the Quran and are preaching a militant Islam.
He refers to a document called 'The Missing Religious Precept', that
may have been written by the man who masterminded the assasination of Sadat in Egypt.
I did an Internet search for
this document but couldn't find it.
The search either led me to Zacharias' book or to a Christian
website that had
nothing to do with the document.
I personally contend that Islam and even the black muslim cult in the United States
are reactionary movements as a whole and not just particular factions in the movement.
Surely, all Muslims are not
violent but Islam is reactionary through and through.
They are reacting against the command of God that it would be
to Abraham Isaac and Jacob that his covenant people would come not Abraham and Ishmael. So their base and original reaction
is one of unbelief. Not believing God not Allah regarding God's people.
Speaking of Ishmael the Bible says, "He will
be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers."
(Genesis 16:12)
They also have reacted in unbelief in regards to the death and
of Jesus and to the identity of the Son of God.
They also may be reacting to the corruption that they saw and see in
Judaism and Christianity. Mohammed brought that up in the Quran.
The Black Muslim Cult may have been partly a result
of the racism in white churches.
However, racism in the past is not rectified by more racism in Black Muslim gatherings.
Islam also may be reacting to the prosperity of such nations as Israel and the United States.
It is easy to provoke
a group of people to action against a nation, if that nation is doing better than they are.
However, all we need to
do is look at Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and see that not all Muslims are poor, including Osama Been Hiding.
What people
fail to mention is that this war that never ends in the middle east had its beginning in Biblical times.
Very few people
on television bring that up. This is also due to
"The ensuing contest between Isaac and Ishmael to gain
the upper hand, this 'jihad' of individual and national proportions, is the story of the middle east." (Light in the Shadow
of Jihad, Zacharias, pg. 64)
I believe that when Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael his older son on their way, this was
the diverging points between the Jews and the Arabs.
The bible is full of examples of the older losing out to the
but that is the way God ordained it. Examples: Jacob and Esau, Ephraim and Manasseh.
For the whole story go to Genesis
If you want to see a summary of Ravi Zacharias' book, 'Light in the Shadow of Jihad.' go to:
Make sure you paste
both lines of the link into the address box.
Lets remember that the Muslim's first and original reaction is one of
unbelief, so even if some of the other reactions (not violence) of the Muslim are partly justified, these reasons only follow
the original reaction, that is unbelief to God's plan.
BJ Max