The Oneness doctrine is such a peculiar doctrine. It denies the simple
relationship Christ had with the Father and instead has to believe that God is schizophrenic.
I don't completely know
where they are coming from. I think I would go beserk if I tried.
It seems that Father, Son, Holy Spirit are just titles
for the same divine person.
Correct me if I am wrong but if these were all the same person, why didn't God just name
these three Me, Myself and I?
It would have made things so much easier.
I thought I would look at some scriptures
and substitute the words Me, Myself and I, simply to ease the confusion and show how much this thinking makes sense.
ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of Me, Myself and I....
...glorify thou me with myself
with the glory which I had with myself before the world was.
These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven
and said, Self, the hour is come; glorify me, that I may glorify myself.
Please feel free to add more nonsensical statements.
How anyone could possibly believe such stuff is beyond me, myself and I.
BJ Max