Absurd World Views
I want to look at other World views and consider whether they answer
the questions of life or simply create absurd scenarios that should make any thinking and/or loving individual reject them
I will be looking at the different views over the next few weeks,
so don't think this will be the only message on the subject.
I appreciate any comments.
"What of an evolutionary model for morality? Why not posit that
whatever benefits human survival is moral? To some this may be appealing, but first ask some questions. Why, based upon atheistic
assumptions, should we logically value human survival? What difference does it all make? Why is life valuable? Isn't belief
in human survival itself a moral assumption, a value judgement that has no basis in an atheistic world view? Furthermore,
consider what an ethic based solely on survival could lead to: the elimination of those perceived to have less survival value.
The Nazi movement, based upon an evolutionary eugenic ideal of developing a super race, destroyed those deemed by them inferior
or unsuitable. Reproduction was to be limited to those deemed most fit. Mankind, when left to its own devices to develop its
moral basis, commits systemized murder and oppression. Consider the atrocities of Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, and the horrible
situations we have witnessed in Rwanda and Bosnia. Both atheists and religious people so easily justify murder. Just because
we have also seen horrors committed by those claiming to believe in some sort of god doesn't disprove my point. I'm not advocating
just any old god! It is still true that when any society abandons the God-given law, You shall not murder, horror results."
The Evolutionist will promote evolution and the survival of the
fittest in theory but then expect everyone to treat each other fairly in the real world. Either this or they will adopt the
philosophy of Hitler which in fact is more consistent to the evolutionary point of view.
In other words most evolutionists would probably consider killing
someone else to get ahead unexceptable. However, if they were consistent rather than hypocritical this would be their practice
and they would not consider it wrong or criminal if someone did that to them.
Many of these folks want to critique the Creation model but are
unwilling to consider the absurdity of their own world view.
In fact many evolutionists would want humans to practice a principle
that Jesus reiterated and that is, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'
They would treat others as they would want to be treated.
So in reality even evolutionists would have to agree that what
Moses, Jesus and others have stated, is a principle that must be true for the survival of the human race.
The problem with this view is that it leads to many outrageous
views that would result in the final reuniting of the spirit to multiple bodies that would make the night of the living dead
look like a childrens movie.
Another conclusion that one has made of reincarnation is that it
explains homosexuality.
'Homosexuality is a natural human trait that is the result
of a person of a particular gender reincarnating as a person of the opposite gender. Such people must adjust to their new
gender and sexuality at an early age. Former girls who are reborn as boys may wish to dress as girls or prefer to play with
girls rather than boys. Former boys who are reborn as girls may wish to dress as boys or prefer to play with boys rather than
girls. Former men who are reborn as women will be attracted to women and will therefore be lesbian. Former women who are reborn
as men will be attracted to men and will therefore be gay.' (Dr. Ian Stevenson)
The Bible condemns Homosexuality and does not say that a person
simply needs to readjust to their new reincarnated state.
'And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after
this the judgment: 28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear
the second time without sin unto salvation.' (Hebrews 9:27)
It is not a coincidence that the death of Christ for our sins is
mentioned right after the verse that refutes Reincarnation.
The Death of Christ for our sins is for all time and makes the
theory or reincarnation and purgatory completely unnecessary. (Hebrews 10:12)
Christianity and Reincarnation are completely incompatible.
This view supposes that there is no Trinity and that God is only
one person.
This view then has to suppose that Jesus prayed to himself in the
Garden. This view would take many of the scriptures regarding the relationship that Christ had with the Father and make him
a schizoid God that talked to himself.
"The inconceivably complete identity of God is the paradigm of
all personhood, at its very plurality is the foundation of all relatedness. Such is the 'image of God' in which we are made.
In that light, the doctrine of the Trinity is not some facile
mystification, but a straightforward statement of the multiple
personhood of God ...
If God is a Person, that ... translates into moral absolutes for
... humanity's alienation from God has occurred at precisely that
level of character and relationship. (1)"
The following verse:
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and
I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou
gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made
perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. (John 17)
Would have to be retranslated by the Oneness folks to fit their
theology to say,
21 That they all may be one; as I am in myself, and myself in me,
that they also may be one in Me, myself and I: that the world may believe that I have sent myself. 22 And the glory which
I gave myself , I have given them; that they may be one, even as I am one: 23 I in them, and myself in me, that they may be
made perfect in one; and that the world may know that I have sent myself, and hast loved them, as I loved myself.
Besides making God a shizoid God they have in effect created a
body of believers that is schizoid as well.
Because if we are to be One as this schizoid God is one then we are
in trouble.
We couldn't even love each other properly because God according
to Oneness folks, who is Love was never able to know what Love was before He created us.
If God didn't have an eternal relatedness within the Triunity of
God, He couldn't have known what Love is because that requires another person to Love.
The Oneness folks would have to make of none effect such personal
pronouns as I, you, me, myself, we, us ....
These pronouns are meant to convey how I relate to persons other
than myself.
How can I judge or analyze anything if there is nothing or no one
outside of me.
If the oneness folks discarded such pronouns in places other than their theology they would have
to be locked up.
There are those that think these silly ways of thinking are just
another way of viewing things when in fact they are illogical ways of thinking that should embarass those that would even
consider such views.
"The Allah of Islam, or the Jehovah of Jehovah's Witnesses and
Jews, or the God of Unitarian "Christian" groups would be incomplete in Himself. He would be unable to love or communicate
before creating other beings capable of interacting with Him in these ways. (For God to be just, true, holy, and pure would
not require the existence of other beings in order for these qualities to be expressed, as would be the case for God to experience
"His Love creates, heals, and saves. Tielhard de Chardin, the French
Theologian and anthropologist, points out that love is whatever unifies or brings together. Thus it is with love that God
creates the Universe. electrons are unified with protons to for atoms. Atoms of various kinds are unified to form molecules.
Molecules are unified are unified to form amino acids. And so the process continues. God created all things and He did so
through His Love. It is love that binds all things together. It is love that heals. Troubled hearts and minds are made whole
through His Love. ...Ultimately, the entire universe will be healed by Love. (Romans 8:18-22) (The Power Delusion, pg. 15,
Even the evolutionist and Atheist has to admit that the nature
of the world we see is based on two or more becoming One, which are called mysteries in the bible. (Romans 11:25-27;1 Timothy
3:16;Ephesians 5:32;2 Thessalonians 2)
Why is it that they can accept this but find it incomprehensible
to believe that God ultimately exists as a Triunity and even Christ was God become man (Two Become One), and that his relation
to us and our relation to each other should be based on the same universal principle, which requires Love and personhood.
(John 17)
The nature of the visible and invisible require Love/Unity and
Persons. Without these nothing would make sense.
These world views are outrageous and irresponsible and the only
view that adequately answers the questions of life is Christianity.
It has been shown that personhood and love are linked in our
world and the universe would not make sense without this basic understanding.
It is the atheist, evolutionist, etc that have the burden of proof
to show that their world views have any merit at all.
In fact the atheist and evolutionist have already 'said
in their heart that there is no God.'
They have already decided their fate and cannot be logically convinced
They pride themselves in objectivity but such is not the case.
"From the scriptures we see that the unbeliever is sinful
in his mind (Rom. 1:18-32 ../kjv/Romans/rom_1.htm) and unable to understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14 ../kjv/1Cor/1cor_2.htm).
This means that no matter how convincing the evidence or good the logic, an unbeliever cannot come to the faith because his
fallen nature will distort how he perceives the truth. The only thing that can ultimately change him is regeneration. To this
end, the presuppositionalist seeks to change a person's presuppositions to be in conformity with biblical revelation."
More Later.