Maybe I just have way too much time on my hands but I was thinking about the Natural Supernatural connection
the other day.
In Genesis God told Noah that he would set the rainbow in the sky as a sign of the covenant that He had with
Noah never to universally flood the earth again. (Genesis )
The Next time will be by fire (2 Peter 3)
Well, when one considers the rainbow it would seem that all can be explained by science. The Sun shines through
the little droplets of rain to form a rainbow, no mystery here.
The first miracle I can see is that before the flood, the water seemed to come from the earth not from the sky.
(Genesis 2:6), so water coming from the sky was a miracle in and of itself and might partly explain why what Noah was describing
to the unrepentant was difficult to fathom.
The fact that we have the Sun shining through the water creates a rainbow effect.
Part of the miracle may be in the fact that God himself made rain from the sky and even the sun to shine through
The Natural law of physics can be seen as purely natural events, but one also needs to look at how these natural
events interact.
Someone has given this example, but i cannot remember it in detail.
Drop a pencil and the law of gravity becomes apparent.
However drop a pencil and then snatch it out of the air. The law of Gravity is interrupted or interacted with
by another natural phenomenon.
So far man has not been able to create rain, our source of light and heat for the whole earth. Man has been able
to create cheap imitations of the real thing.
One can explain how a watch works and then say that because he knows how its individual parts work, that this
proves that no one made the watch. This would be silly.
The watch had a maker as the universe had a maker, and the miracle is not as much the natural laws as it is the
interaction of the natural laws, which prove the existence of the divine mind.
The Rainbow is a universal sign that God will not flood the earth with water.
The Naturalist or skeptic will discard God simply because he understands the natural and individual parts.
This is like dismissing the watchmaker because you can understand the different parts of the watch. However the
reason those different parts interact is because an intelligent being created it.
The Rainbow was a demonstration of God bringing all the necessary ingredients together to produce this miracle.
The Rainbow shows his intervention. The end of the world by fire might demonstrate him taking his hands off of
the creation.
As I said, God said that he would not flood the earth again with water, but he would use fire next time.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great
noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, WHAT MANNER OF PERSONS OUGHT YE TO BE in all holy conversation
and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved,
and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" (2 Peter 3)
17 He is before all things, and in Him all things HOLD TOGETHER.
(Colossians 1)
Here it says that Christ holds all things together.
He is the Nuclear binding force that keeps the atom together.
Atoms make up the Universe, so what would happen if He took his hands off of the universe.
This would be a big bang theory that ended the world. Just like Second Peter Three describes.
Often when we read of things like the Star called Wormwood (Revelation), or how the army of 200,000,000 will
die we are reminded of a Nuclear explosion.
Are things like a Nuclear explosion (a natural phenomenon) or the Judgment of God (a Supernatural phenomenon)?
I believe it is both.
Man has tampered with God's creation (nature), splitting the atom etc. to do things like creating bombs.
What is man in effect doing when he seeks to separate what God has joined?
What is the result?
So the naturalist thinks he can completely explain the big bang by explaining how they split the atom. This is
all he sees.
However, he misses the being that 'holds all this together.
So will the final big bang be a natural or supernatural occurence?
It will be both.
Whenever God and man meets there is a mystery and the uniting of God and Man, in Christ; The Word made flesh;
Supernatural and Natural is what the mysteries are all about.
Now I could have missed on some of the details but this is my story and I'm sticking with it.
BJ Max