The first half of the movie is about Storms and Tornadoes, which I believe are still
considered Category six creating destruction and mayhem all over the world.
Then there are some limited plagues of frogs and flies that end up being the result of the
wife and a wayward follower of a televangelist (James Brolin). It turns out that they are creating these small plagues
to coincide with the real disasters of Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Storms, Oh My!
The purpose is to get more people to donate to their ministry.
The Televangelist in appearance looks like a cross between Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch and Pat
This Televangelist disagrees with his devious wife that the actual disasters are a judgment
of God, but rather are a result of Global Warming.
Then later on, a maverick scientist working for Fema, starts showing that the sky is actually
falling and this is what is causing the problems.
He may end up connecting this to global warming as well.
The problems I have with the movie is how they and almost everyone else always try to make
all of Christianity look like the lunatic fringe portrayed in this movie.
So rather than introducing the possibility that the real disasters may be the judgment of
God, they discredit the messenger and rather point to a secular alternative.
This may be part of how unbelievers will still persist in their unbelief at the actual end
of the World.
Rather than repenting, they will just blame it on Global Warming.
The Televangelist who introduced the idea of Global warming is James Brolin, the husband
of Barbra Streisand, who has in real life complained about Global Warming, though she lives in a mansion with seven chimneys.
There is a wholesale effort by the world to discredit Christianity so that when actual judgment
happens the world will think it is related to something else.
18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and
the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the
prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them
which destroy the earth. 19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in
his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great
hail. (Revelation 11)
Cynthia pointed this verse out to me about how God will 'destroy them which destroy the
The world has included the 'destroy them which destroy the earth ' in their thinking,
but excluded the, 'thy wrath is come ' which points out who is doing the judging and the world has
also excluded, 'give reward unto thy servants ' , which are the ones that the world hates and misrepresents, but God's
servants will escape his judgment and be rewarded.
Argument: we should NOT take these kind of movies seriously and they are just entertainment.
Is it important whether the world reinterprets such things as the 'rapture' as an UFO abduction,
the judgments of God as the ill effects of tampering with Mother Nature, Christians as radical idiots that have a bible in
one hand and an axe in another who have nothing worthwhile to say or warn the world of?
God Forbid!!!!
These same folks that say that it is simply entertainment would probably still not let their
children watch certain kinds of shows on Television because of their effect.
The people that think we should NOT take these kind of movies seriously, or their effects
are those that have their head in the sand, which leaves a very big target on their hind side.
Argument: James Brolin is not guilty just because he is married to Barbra Streisand.
People often marry because of common interests and even when they do not, both sides still influence
each other.
Since James Brolin's marriage to B.S., he has played Ronald Reagan and this bumbling televangelist
on the movie Category 7 and has portrayed both as babbling baboons.
The world falls for stereotypes and Hollywood knows this.
Why know the facts when you can see the movie. This world is being spoon fed a bunch of lies,
while Christians and non Chrisitans are being entertained and misinformed.
As I pointed out earlier in a critique of a very Anti American article on whether
America is being cursed, that the real reason that the author of the article and many others are so against
America lately is not spiritual in nature but the result of anger over America removing Saddaam from power.
If America is being cursed then so is the world.
The Tsunami's, Earthquakes, Famine, riots etc are happening the world over not just in the
If one wants to look at this as judgment then we need to look at how we are treating Israel
and whether we have a relationship with Christ.
Though Bush's stance on dividing Israel is seriously wrong, (Joel 3:2,3), most of the world
is already opposed to Israel while the U.S. is still Israel's ally and in the end all nations will be against Israel.
'I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those that curse thee.' (Genesis 12)
What I have an objection to is foreigners visiting this nation and then concluding that
the U.S. is somehow being singled out for judgment.
There are just as many wicked pagans in other countries as there are in the U.S., including
the author of the article: Why America is being Cursed.
And the author of the article: Why America is being cursed is a follower of William Branham
and needs to do a lot of repenting himself.
Cynthia says: ''No! Let us not! Let us look
to the Lord Jesus Christ, shall we. If any wicked are judged in any of these matters,it is not for any of the reasons Bruce
is response for their own self and this includes the author of this antiamerican article!'"
More Links showing the relationship of this author and the
cult leader he follows:
The fictional movie: Category 7 is about the whole world and I believe that God's actual
judgment will be on the whole world not just on the US., and God's judgment is not going to be primarily because of
the depletion of the ozone layer, which Barbra Streisand and her husband (James Brolin), are just as guilty of as anyone
The judgment that is to come, will be on whole the world, not just the U.S.
and will be because of the world's spiritual, not political bankruptcy and those that are
spiritually bankrupt or politically motivated cannot fool me into thinking that their disdain for America is anything more
than a result of their own majoring on the minors and rejecting the majors.
BJ Maxwell